Important Note
- The Contestant is hereby informed that the personal data provided in this Application Form will be collected, retained and used by TVB for the following purposes:-
- for contact and verification of the Contestant’s identity;
- arrangement of activities relating to the Contest promotion, marketing and obtaining sponsorship for the Contest; and
- disclosure in the Contest programmes. Such programmes will be broadcasted, exposed, marketed and distributed on any media throughout the world.
- Personal data filled out in this Application Form will be disclosed to journalists, other media, advertisers, panel of judges for the Contest and the public for the purposes mentioned in A. above.
- The Contestant is hereby informed that she has the right:
- to obtain a copy of her personal data held by TVB; and
- to request that necessary correction(s) be made if such data is no longer accurate.
- If the Contestant cannot enter the Contest’s Semi-Final, unless otherwise consented by the Contestant, the personal data of the Contestant, her Nominator and parents/guardian (if applicable) received by TVB, will be destoryed within one month after the Contest’s Final.
Application for Miss Hong Kong Pageant 2024 was ended.